Fetch Current Weather
I like knowing the weather as soon as I get up in the morning. However, I don’t always like poking my head outside to find out, and a simple Google search doesn’t provide me all the weather details I want to know directly in the search returns page. So I wrote a Python script that gives me exactly what I want. Because I’ll occasionally travel, I’ve set it up so that, rather than simply defaulting to my primary location, I can enter the name of the city for which I want the weather details.
In most cases, the API I’m using defaults to reporting in units that aren’t intuitive to me (e.g., meters/second for wind speed). I’ve added a few basic functions to convert values to units I’m more familiar with. I also can never remember what the significance of the pressure readings are, so I’ve added a function that categorizes a pressure reading as either High
, Medium
, or Low
For more information on the API this script uses to retrieve current weather data, please see this page. Keys for this API can be accessed after setting up an account. For security reasons, I’ve removed my API key from the script below.
import requests
def get_weather():
def kelvin_to_fahrenheit(kelvin):
fahrenheit = ((kelvin - 273.15) * (9/5) + 32)
return fahrenheit
def millibar_to_inchesHg(millibars):
inHg = millibars / 33.864
return inHg
def pressure_rating(inHg):
if inHg > 30.20:
pressure = "High Pressure"
return pressure
elif 29.80 <= inHg <= 30.20:
pressure = "Medium Pressure"
return pressure
pressure = "Low Pressure"
return pressure
def metersPerSecond_to_MPH(metersPerSecond):
mph = metersPerSecond * 2.237
return mph
base_url = 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather'
city = input('Enter city name: ')
endpoint = f'{base_url}?q={city}&appid={api_key}'
response = requests.get(endpoint)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
main = data['weather'][0]['main']
description = data['weather'][0]['description']
temp_kelvin = data['main']['temp']
feels_like_kelvin = data['main']['feels_like']
humidity = data['main']['humidity']
wind_metric = data['wind']['speed']
wind_speed = metersPerSecond_to_MPH(wind_metric)
pressure_millibar = data['main']['pressure']
pressure = millibar_to_inchesHg(pressure_millibar)
pressure_rating = pressure_rating(pressure)
temp = kelvin_to_fahrenheit(temp_kelvin)
feels_like = kelvin_to_fahrenheit(feels_like_kelvin)
print(f'Primary Weather: {main}')
print(f'Description: {description}')
print(f'Humidity: {humidity}%')
print(f'Temperature: {temp:.1f}°F')
print(f'Feels like: {feels_like:.1f}°F')
print(f'Wind speed: {wind_speed:.1f} mph')
print(f'Pressure: {pressure:.2f} inchesHg: {pressure_rating}')
error_code = response.status_code
print(f'There was a {error_code} error')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here’s a sample output for my primary location, Columbus
Weather: Clouds
Description: overcast clouds
Humidity: 46%
Temperature: 44.7°F
Feels like: 41.6°F
Wind speed: 6.6 mph
Pressure: 29.94 inchesHg: Medium Pressure